Position Paper Requirements
What's the Purpose Behind Position Papers
At MetMUN we strive to provide multiple opportunities to delegates to strengthen their public speaking, networking and communication skills. For this reason, position papers that convey a delegates stance on issues that showcase critical thinking, research, and knowledge regarding the topic at hand are strongly encouraged. A position paper helps individuals organize their thoughts and ideas about the topic, allowing one to be more cohesive and comprehensible during committee sessions. Position papers also allow an opportunity for the chair to scope and possibly guide discussion during committee sessions.
Are Position Papers Required?
Position Papers are not required in order for delegates to participate in the conference.
However, should delegates want to be considered for an award within their committee, they must submit a position paper. Position papers should meet all METMUN 2023 guidelines in order to be considered complete.
All Position Paper Guidelines:
The follow guidelines must be adhered to when writing and submitting your position paper. Remember, a position paper will only be considered complete by your dais when it meets ALL METMUN 2024 Guidelines.
1. Papers are to have a page limit of 1-2 pages MAXIMUM per topic (bibliographies do not count), must have one inch margins, and are to be single or double spaced using "Times New Roman" font.
2. In the Header of each page, delegates are to include in the following order: Name of the Committee, Position being represented, Conference name (METMUN 2023), first and last name and delegation (included in one line and separated via comma).
3. Delegates are to cite all external sources using APA style citations and must include a bibliography for each topic.
4. When submitting their papers, delegates are to submit their papers as .PDF files with the following name convention:
"Position_Committee_First name_Last Name_METMUN2023"
5. Delegates must submit their papers to their committee's email address. Delegates must use the following subject line:
"Position - Position Paper - Committee"
6. Emails for each committee: